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Institute of Coastal Agriculture visited South Korea and Malaysia for exchange on rice breeding and soil improvement
Author:Zhou Yuchao   Approver:Zhang Meishen   Releaser:Jia Peiwen   Time:2023/06/25 10:39:06   Source:International Cooperation Division

By the invitation of the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) and the South Chungcheong Province Agricultural Technology Institute of South Korea, a delegation of 3 people led by Deputy Director GAO Junquan from Institute of Coastal Agriculture of HAAFS paid a 7-day visit to Malaysia and South Korea from May 7 to May 13, 2023.

The delegation successively visited MARDI, South Chungcheong Province Agricultural Technology Institute and South Korea Shi'an Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd., for observation on relevant laboratories, test sites, rice gene pool, storage bases, etc. The two sides focused on communication and discussion of salt tolerant and herbicide resistant rice variety breeding, rice light simplification, mechanized cultivation technology, rice pelleting direct seeding cultivation machinery and technology, salt tolerant apple rootstocks and soil improvement research and applications. The delegation have conducted in-depth exchanges on soil improvement technologies and reached cooperation intentions in the selection of salt tolerant rice varieties, exchange of specific germplasm resources, introduction of intelligence, and collaborative research.

This visit further consolidated the friendly relationship between HAAFS and MARDI and the South Chungcheong Province Academy of Agricultural Technology, enhanced mutual understanding, broadened the ways and fields of cooperation, and played a positive role in promoting exchanges and cooperation in the field of rice and soil improvement.

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