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Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences visited and exchanged with the Institute of Shijiazhuang Fruit Research
Author:Zhou Yuchao   Approver:Zhang Meishen   Releaser:Jia Peiwen   Time:2023/05/04 11:44:46   Source:International Cooperation Division

On April 18th, Vladimir Petrichenko, the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, and his team visited the Institute of Shijiazhuang Fruit Research for academic exchange.

The visiting group first investigated the pear, apricot, peach, and grape demonstration base of the institute, and learned about the fruit tree research work. Subsequently, the delegation had discussions and exchanges with the research team, laboratory directors, and representatives of scientific researchers. Director Pang Zhaojin warmly welcomed the arrival of the delegation on behalf of the research institute. He introduced the scientific research experience and achievements of Academician Petrichenko of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Academician Petrichenko introduced his research direction, achievements, and cooperation with China. He proposed the need for in-depth cooperation with the Institute of Shijiazhuang Fruit Research in preventing fruit tree freezing damage and expressed his sincerity. Researchers and Academician Petrichenko had interactive exchanges on relevant issues, laying the foundation for precise positioning of cooperation points. Both sides expressed that they will strengthen communication in the future, strive to promote the implementation of international cooperation projects as soon as possible, and make more contributions to accelerating the development of the agricultural industry in Hebei Province.

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