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Workshop on Improving Crop Yield by Utilizing Whole Genome Selection Technology in Different Countries
Author:Zhou Yuchao   Approver:Zhang Meishen   Releaser:Jia Peiwen   Time:2023/05/11 10:41:55   Source:International Cooperation Division

The whole genome selection technology has gradually been applied to the improvement of new varieties in various countries around the world. In order to further strengthen the exchange and cooperation between HAAFS, international organizations, domestic and foreign research institutions, etc., in using whole genome selection technology to improve crop yield, the "Workshop on Improving Crop Yield by Utilizing Whole Genome Selection Technology in Different Countries" was successfully held on May 5th in Shijiazhuang, China.

The workshop invited Professor MA Wujun from Murdoch University in Australia, Senior Scientist ZHANG Xuecai from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Professor ZHANG Bo from Virginia Tech University in the United States, Senior Scientist Hima Bindu kudapa from the International Institute of Tropical Crops in Semiarid Regions, Chief Scientist Hafiz Saad Bin Mustafa of Ayyub Agricultural Research Institute in Pakistan and Professor SUN Dongxiao from China Agricultural University to respectively gave academic presentations on the latest progress in the use of whole genome selection technology in wheat, corn, soybeans, cows, chickpeas, millet, broad beans, and oil crops. During the meeting, experts shared in-depth exchanges on scientific issues such as the size of the experimental population, accuracy of prediction, and application of molecular markers in breeding in whole gene selection, as well as future application for international cooperation projects.

The workshop has created a good academic exchange atmosphere for researchers with great significance for promoting the application of whole genome selection technology in crop breeding in HAAFS, and enhancing international cooperation and exchange.

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